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Planning for ecological mitigation early on in a development can be beneficial for both the development and the community. As part of the proposals for any development design and implementation it is expected that measures will be put in place to avoid negative ecological impacts, reduce negative impacts that can't be avoided and compensate for any remaining negative ecological impacts. 


Avoidance can often be the most cost-effective way to mitigate for negative ecological impacts.  This could involve adjusting the layout of a project or by regulating the timings of specific works so as to leave a site undisturbed during sensitive times such as breeding bird season.


If avoidance is not possible, measurements should be put in place to reduce the negative ecological impacts. Approaches could include enforcing buffer zones around specific habitats such as badger setts and creating tunnels under roads to allow wildlife to pass


Where neither avoidance or mitigation are possible, compensatory measures must be put in place. For example this could mean the creating of new habitat off site.




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