SK staff have worked within the minerals industry over ten years. We have undertaken scoping and assessment for Tarmac, LeFarge, Hanson, CEMEX and Aggregate Industries, as well as small companies including Lloyds, Marshalls, Ibstock, Breedon and Block Stone. Here at SK we understand the nature of quarrying activities and how these long term projects can encourage wildlife into sites. We have always adopted a proactive and pragmatic approach when dealing with ecological issues at mineral sites and have been pioneering innovative techniques with partners across the industry to find more cost effective and environmentally successful ways to deal with the issues faced by mineral operators.
SK submitted a successful application to Natural England for a license to translocate great crested newts at a CEMEX sand and gravel quarry in Worcester in 2014. Over 60 days of pitfall trapping, 30 nights of bottle trapping and egg translocation were undertaken with hundreds of amphibians moved to new ponds including a low numbers of great crested newts.
In addition we created new purpose built ponds, several large hibernacula as well as planting new trees, shrubs and aquatic plants.
SK provided ecological input into an Environmental Statement to support a planning application to extend and restore an existing sand quarry in North Wales. This included an initial scoping surey and further protected species and habitat surveys.
The key challenges at the site related to the clearance of woodland on the extension area and the associated impacts on protected species. Additional assessment work was required in relation to badgers, dormice and reptiles which, together with the detailed mitigation and enhancement proposals for the site, demonstrated that the proposal was acceptable.